Do Night Guards Work for TMJ?

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) is uncomfortable and painful. A doctor or dentist often diagnoses this condition, and they may recommend getting a custom-made night mouth guard for TMJ to ease your pain. There are 10 million Americans affected by TMJ, and sufferers experience mild to severe symptoms such as headaches, facial pain, earaches, and jaw pain.

What is Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)?

The temporomandibular joints are the muscles and joints in the jaw that allow you to open and close your mouth. This joint is composed of ligaments, discs, bones, and muscles that all work together in synchrony to allow you to speak and chew.

TMJ teeth grinding can cause injury or damage to the joints and lead to localized pain, teeth grinding, jaw clenching, and difficulty moving the joint. Having these symptoms day after day can be a frustrating experience, and we understand! Getting a custom-made night guard for TMJ can help relieve pain and prevent further joint pain.

What Causes TMJ?

The causes for TMJ disorder is sometimes unknown, but certain health conditions can cause it:

  • If you have arthritis, you can be at risk of developing TMJ
  • There is erosion developing in the joint
  • You had structural jaw problems from birth
  • You suffer from teeth grinding and clenching

What are the Symptoms of TMJ?

Symptoms of TMJ are uncomfortable for those who suffer from it, and there are various symptoms they may experience, such as:

  • Injury and misalignment of teeth
  • Teeth grinding and clenching
  • Jaw clicking and popping
  • Headaches
  • Stiff or sore jaw muscles
  • Locking of the jaw joint
  • Pain behind the eyes, neck, shoulders, and back
  • Limited mouth motions
  • Dizziness

Each person may experience different symptoms and if they are debilitating, consult a doctor for a diagnosis.


Treatments for TMJ

Depending on the seriousness of your diagnosis will determine the method of treatment you need. You can do these at home to help relieve TMJ teeth grinding. Some treatments include:

  • Resting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
  • Over the counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatories Relaxation techniques
  • Reducing TMJ teeth grinding
  • Night guards for TMJ
  • Ice and hot packs
  • Physical therapy

How can lifestyle changes help TMJ?

What are your habits throughout the day that may be contributing to your TMJ? If you chew gum or find yourself clenching your jaw, these small habits can increase the severity of your symptoms.

Reduce your symptoms by:

  • Avoid overusing the muscles in your jaw: You can eat softer or sticky foods that strain the muscles in the jaw.
  • Stretching: Perform exercises and massages to relax the jaw muscles.
  • Relaxation techniques: Take deep breaths, and meditate. Focus on relaxing the muscles in your jaw when you find yourself clenching your jaw.

Do Night Guards Work for TMJ?

Yes! Night guards can help relieve TMJ symptoms. They will not only prevent you from teeth grinding and clenching at night, but they help to hold the jaw in place. Wearing a night mouth guard for TMJ will keep your facial jaw relaxed and reduce the pain you may be experiencing. Another huge benefit of wearing mouth guards for TMJ is that it prevents your jaw from locking.

What are the Best Night Guards for TMJ?

When choosing the best mouth guard for TMJ, consider if you can make the mold yourself and how easy it would be to do it. Also, think about how comfortable it will be because you have to sleep at night and wear it for 6-10 hours. The mouth guard shouldn’t hinder your breathing or speech when wearing it. There are various mouth guards you can use for TMJ, and the one you choose will depend on the severity of your condition.

Stabilization Splints for TMJ Treatment

Stabilization splints are a mouth guard for TMJ that covers all your teeth. They stop you from grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw, which is also known as Bruxism. The mouth guard will be either hard or soft depending on your needs, but both will significantly reduce the pain you experience.

Repositioning Splints for TMJ

Repositioning splints help to reposition the lower jaw using a mouth guard. These are normally worn 24 hours a day and pull the lower jaw forward, and you may continue using them when TMJ symptoms are reduced.

What is the best night guard for TMJ?

Custom-made soft guards are the best night guards for TMJ! They are comfortable and will prevent you from grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw.

Order the mouth guard kit and make the mold right at home. Skip the awkward visit to the dentist to do the mold for your mouth guard and do it yourself with easy-to-follow instructions. A custom mouth guard will fit your mouth perfectly, and you can rest easy now that your TMJ symptoms are relieved.

Get your custom-made mouth guard for TMJ today!