How Do I Stop Clenching My Jaw?

Are you getting facial pain and headaches from teeth grinding and jaw clenching? This condition is called Bruxism, with more than 10% of adults and 15% of children that suffer from it. The majority of people who clenches their jaw aren't even aware that they are doing it until they suffer from the symptoms.

Let's discover how to stop jaw clenching and minimize your symptoms!

Symptoms of Clenching Jaw

Whether you need to stop clenching your teeth or know how to stop clenching your jaw, the first step is to recognize the signs because you may be doing it subconsciously while you're awake or sleeping. Some people experience a mild version of Bruxism, and they won't require treatment, but others experience severe symptoms such as damaged teeth, jaw disorders, headaches, and more.

It can be difficult to manage teeth grinding or clenching because it most commonly occurs while we are sleeping, but the first step is identifying the signs.

These include:

  • Headaches
  • Earache
  • Pain in the jaw joint
  • Facial pain
  • Worn down or/and broken teeth

How to Stop Clenching Jaw

Learning to stop clenching teeth can be a lengthy process, and it may never completely disappear, but there are numerous ways to decrease the number of episodes you are experiencing. It may even reduce the risk of long-term problems such as shifting and broken teeth. Everyone's treatment for how to stop clenching teeth and jaws is different.

Here are some ways you can reduce your symptoms:

Change Sleeping Positions to Help Prevent Clenching

Research has found that many people are experiencing Bruxism at night because of the position they sleep in. Your jaw will get set in a position that tells your brain that you're eating, which will trigger natural eating reflexes that don't get turned off when sleeping. Try sleeping in different positions to decrease the number of times you experience clenched teeth.

Manage Stress to Reduce Jaw Clenching

Many people suffer from jaw clenching and teeth grinding because of stress, and doing it in their sleep makes it harder to control. So, start by finding ways to reduce your stress throughout the day and right before bed.

For instance:

  • Yoga or meditation before bed to clear your mind of things that worry you
  • Deep breathing – place your hand on your stomach and take long deep breaths
  • Exercise can help reduce stress
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine before bedtime

It's a good idea to identify the causes of your stress and anxiety to help you manage these mental conditions causing clenched teeth and jaw.

Jaw Exercises Can Alleviate Pain From Clenching Teeth

An excellent way to avoid clenching your jaw is to do daily jaw exercises. It will help to strengthen your jaw and reduce the pain you are experiencing from clenching all the time.

Here is a jaw exercise you can do each day:

Looking in a mirror and opening your mouth, drop your jaw straight down and close your mouth gently. Notice if there are minor improvements in your jaw's range of motion. Do this exercise every morning and evening for a few minutes. If you are experiencing pain, avoid doing any jaw exercises that can make the pain worse.

Relax Your Jaw Muscles To Prevent Clenching

Pay attention to whether you are clenching your jaw throughout the day. If you are, be mindful of these moments and try to relax your jaw. Do this every time you find yourself with teeth clenched. It will become second nature the more you relax your clenched jaw. If you are experiencing severe symptoms and jaw pain, be sure to seek help from a dentist.

Use Mouth Guards to Stop Clenching Teeth

Mouth guards are one of the most effective ways you can stop clenching teeth. They help while you are sleeping and will limit any damage to your teeth that may be occurring. It will not only reduce the pressure on your upper and lower jaw, but it'll reduce tooth damage by creating a barrier between the upper and lower teeth.

One of the best mouth guards to use is custom-made soft mouth guards. They are comfortable to wear while sleeping, durable, and effective in helping the user stop clenching their jaw.

Where is the best place to get your custom-made mouth guard?

Get a custom-made soft mouth guard from WatchMyMouth! All you need to do is order the kit and follow the instructions for making the impressions. Learn more by visiting our How It Works page. You can get a perfect mouth guard to stop jaw clenching all from the comfort of your own home!

Contact us for more information and get your custom-made mouth guard today!